Sunday, October 20, 2013

The squats continue!

Another excellent work out today! I have done squats again with the 10 kg barbell and also some with the kettlebell, in addition to my regular work out. I also done more cardio, at a lower level, but more minutes and at a fast pace...and I think I am burning more calories this way!
Physically I feel better and stronger. I still don't have any muscles of course but what counts is to lose the excess fat and get toned up and I am seeing results day after day.
I took a photo of myself today, a selfie, not out of vanity but to see the progression of my body.

Maybe by taking one photo a week I will be able to see if there is any difference? Or maybe one a month will do. This top I am wearing is size 14, only by looking at this photo I realize how large it is  on the sides! It means I am getting slimmer! The trousers also got big, they are size 12 and had to roll them up because they became too large. This means my efforts are paying off. I am happy about it. I reckon, if I go on this way, working out every day, that by January I will be in good shape. I am going to feel so much better both physically and mentally. Tomorrow I really hope to manage to attend the Zumba class, haven't been able last week but I doubt that I will be able to. No matter what I can't wait to go back to the gym tomorrow evening! I am challenging myself and this time I mean it: I will get in perfect shape! InshAllah!

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