Sunday, October 3, 2010

Meat, acid and animal violence

Last night for the second night of Shocktober we decided to watch a tv series called Breaking Bad. It was really good and exciting, felt a bit like we were cheating as it wasn't a real horror movie, but it had a good dose of macabre and we watched three episodes. Fair enough!
What I learned from it is, if you ever decide to dissolve a body in acid, do it in plastic containers. The guy in the film did it in the bathtub and as a result the whole ceramic got corroded and so did the floor, resulting in a macabre fall of the whole thing onto the floor below...gross :)
I don't think I will ever need to do something like that...I respect life too much to harm anybody or anything and I always feel sick when smelling blood or meat...
in fact even looking at Lady Gaga infamous meat dress made me sick.
Have you seen it? She always succeeds in leaving an impression, nothing wrong with that, just not so classy...actually far from.
Oh well, what people do to get a bit of attention!
She got even mine, gotta give her that!
Talking about meat and acid...just read on facebook the other day about this ukrainian girl Alisa Kuzmenko, a veterinary student, who tortured, dismembered and dissolved in acid a number of dogs...and then posted on facebook photos of her macabre accomplishments posing with a big smile on her face...
honestly, what has the world come to? I hear she has been imprisoned, but still what pushes human beings to do such outrageous acts of violence on innocent creatures?
How can someone find pleasure or even have the guts to do such things, as some kind of macabre bloody entertainment?
Still recent even the episode of the other eastern european girl who filmed herself while throwing little puppy dogs into the river...I heard her family just got a 5.000 euros fine and got away with it.
Is this the value we give to life?
It is disgusting and unacceptable. Despite that, it doesn't surprise me.
We live in a society where members of the European Union voted for a law which allows vivisection of any dog, cat or other animal without a owner found on the street. Experimental use, they say. If this doesn't give you the shivers...then you are just like them.
I cannot understand how things like this can even happen in year 2010, in these so called
"civilized" countries.
How can WE even let it happen.
Going back to the two cases mentioned above... we are talking about two young girls here.
Females. Females as the supposely sensitive, sweet, fragile, tender hearted beings as implied by the word "female" itself.
What pushed young women to such a sick, horrendous behaviour is still uncomprehensible to me.
The origin of the joy and the pride they expressed in showing off the footage of their acts, is something worth analyzing.
This is the result of a sick society which is totally deprived of moral values, a society in which what is bad is seen as good and exciting, a society in which bad taste is considered fashionable and original while good taste is seen as something plain boring and undesirable.
Maybe we live too well. We have too much...too much comfort, too much security, too much food on our table. We came to the point of non-appreciation. We dont find happiness in what we have, we dont feel gratefulness, we dont feel excitment anymore.
Because anything we need and more is there on a silver plate.
Do men always have to face tragedies or suffer natural calamities to understand the value of life?
I leave this question to you.


  1. Ok, I feel a little stalkerish but I have to acknowledge a great blog post, yet again, Hayam....I often wonder the same thing - what brings humans, supposedly the most evolved of Earth's creatures, to abuse each other as well as defenseless animals. If you look at history, torture was in every society and culture, but less likely to be seen in smaller, more earth-based cultures. Why? In my opinion, they had a deeper respect and understanding of their connection with the world around them. I find that the Western idea of the Individual has taken us away from that connection and a deep level of loneliness prevails. The years I worked in New York City were my loneliest, even though I was surrounded by millions of people....when I found Allah as a Muslim, it helped me to understand I was a part of worldwide Deen so no need to be lonely any longer. It also reminded me that by submitting to Allah, you have a duty to respect all those around you, include His creatures.

    So what do we do? We resonate to those around us that torture is not acceptable and try to heal the broken circle in which it comes from. I ask, why did that young girl throw the puppies in a river? Where is the source of her disconnection? Is it from her own torture, either mental or physical? Does she have a legitimate mental disorder? I feel that when we try to understand the source of situations like this, it helps us to send forth powerful healing and Allah's wisdom.

  2. Thanks Brenda for your excellent post!
    You have some very interesting points here and
    I hope as many people as possibile will read what you and me had to say about this.
    I still find it unbelievable that two young women were capable of doing this and even finding pleasure in doing it.
    My mind simply cant connect the brutality of this act with the image of the two girls.
    How can someone even come up with something like that? Don't they have anything beautiful in their life to think about, some kind of interest, hobby, anything more normal and suitable for a girl?
    They probably do not understand the gravity of what they have done.
    I see their acts as a desperate cry to get out of a dull, meaningless life, trying to get a boost from it, trying to find something that will distinguish them from others, that will make them feel like they are "someone"...not only someone in general, but someone who will be remembered, who will raise attention...
    and the more outrageous what they do is, the more they think they reached their aim.

  3. Assalamoalaikum Sister
    Couldnt found u on Facebook any way looking forward to ur new updates in the meantime i have started the film processes the details of the site and film will be on Facebook

  4. Wa alaykum salaam!
    Now we are friends there too, I am very interested in your film, can't wait to see it!
