Sunday, October 2, 2011

Metal on Metal!

Happy Shocktober everyone!
The first night of Shocktober instead of watching horror movies I went out and saw a horrorish Misfits cover band! Yay! Godless Glenn they were called. Really good party band! Everyone was in a top mood, jumping around and stuff! The singer had a great voice I must say!

Godless Glenn

Even though yesterday I was depressed all day, it was really good that I decided to go out because it turned out to be a great night! I had a real blast! I can honestly say it was one of the best nights out of this year.
I met a lot of friends, I cannot believe how many people I actually know in the Umeå metal scene, every two meters I was seeing someone I know, which was cool. I also cannot believe how many known musicians live in Umeå ( including myself LOL!).
The highlight of the evening was meeting Marcus E. Norman of Ancient Wisdom/Naglfar/Bewitched !
He was a really nice and easy going person and by talking to him I realized we had quite a few things in common. For instance the fact that Ancient Wisdom in the very beginning  were also called Ancient, like my old band, in fact I remember Aphazel telling me in the 90's that there was another band with the same name, but since we had the copyright on the name, they had to changed it, so that is why they became Ancient Wisdom. Another thing in common is that his cousin is a collegue of mine! Or better, she works at a school where I also work at! She is a cool girl! That was awesome!
Here is a picture of me and Marcus from last night

Ancient Wisdom meets Ancient!
Talking of Ancient, I got a mail today saying that at my bassist's place in Italy there is a box with about 60-70 tapes that belong to me! I got really excited to hear that! Funny to think I actually grew up in a era when the cd was not even invented and we used to listen to vynils and music cassettes! I was very much into tape trading back in the days, I have lots of rare pearls and even demos in that collection!
Next time I am in Italy I am gonna get that box back and cannot wait to go through it.
Talking about other metal musicians from Umeå, I must say that last night at the Metal on Metal night there were plenty of them! The guys of Zonaria, Plector, Moloken, The Whyrus, Raging Steel, Scumkill, Nocturnal Rites etc...I cannot believe how many fantastic bands we have in Umeå!

Here is another picture we took with Fredde and  Chris of Nocturnal Rites, for some reason we always meet them together!

Amr, Fredrik and his girl, Chris and I
I must say that this picture doesn't give me or Chris any justice, we are way hotter in real life! LOL!
A photographer actually took some photos last night of me and Erik of Plector, here is one I just found online!

Erik and I last night

Oh and before I go, about my hair, the experiment of yesterday went kinda weird I must say! I bleached my hair again for the second time in two days, because I wasn't satisfied with the outcome and wanted to fix the shade which from copper became sort of blondish. Then again the result was not very good, I guess my hair is way too dark (because of all the black hairdyes) and cannot be lightened easily, or at least with the wanted result. So I bought another hairdye, a brown one, and mixed it over the highlights. I must say that now my hair looks much better! I am really satisfied, it looks like more or less my natural haircolour in the summer, when the sun gives me some natural goldish reflections. Here is a picture I took last night before going out. Too bad it is a bit yellow, because I took it with the webcam and the light was not the best, but it gives the idea.

My hair make over...what do you think?

Anyway that is all for now! Hope you all have a good sunday! Cheers!

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