Friday, June 17, 2011

If I saw myself through your eyes, I wonder if I'd be scared of what I see...

If I saw myself through your eyes, I wonder if I'd be scared of what I see...
everyone is unique, every brain is unique and everybody filters others through the state they are in at a precise moment, according to their experience, sensations, desires and needs.
In a perfect world I could have a decent conversation with anyone random just for the pleasure of it...but no, always some glances here and there, twisted thoughts, jealousy or whatever else...I myself I wish I had a remote control which allowed me to delete all the things I didnt like and erase all the persons I didnt like from any situation...but it is not possible...the world is not perfect and only God knows what thoughts pass through people's heads...
no matter how one feels inside, everyone filters it as they want...human beings are not in a position to even have the capability to really understand each other when they communicate... one says "A" and the other thinks that "A" is "B"...and then a third one who hears the conversation thinks that "A" is "X" or whatever.
Everybody they see it as they want, or as they FEAR.
Sometimes I wish people had no sex...that they were just like dolls, or like angels...but that would be boring wouldn't it?
This world is all about intrigues, gossips, betrayals, backstabbing and twisted things like that...but also about friendship and love.
I love my husband. I also love my friends but in a different way of course.
I wish I could transport all the people I love into a box with transparent walls and take them into a new perfect dimension where we could be free to interact with each other without any of these primitive basic human instincts that spoil everything and away from all dirt and bad things that are there in the world. I wonder if Paradise will be like that?
I have so much inside me I want to scream...I also have so much love, more than my heart can take, in fact it overflows and pours out of me in all directions...but do those who take it understand the nature of it?
Anyway enough of that. Here is a funny pic I took with my friends Dan and Dave tonight. They always cheer me up!

Happiness should be sold in pills...friends cheer up pill is always good, when they are all away from you and busy with their lifes, it would be nice to just take a pill and remember all the laughs and happy moments...washing any residence of sadness away.

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