Friday, December 17, 2010

Sweet lovely carillon

I feel much better.
My husband is finally back into my arms...I feel reborn. I was missing his presence so much, it feels like I am finally able to live and breathe again.
I had forgotten how good it feels to have someone you love waking up next to you in the morning and how good it feels to come back from work and find him there, all happy to see me again. His hugs are the best and warmest.
I love the X-mas atmospheres, all the bright lights in the street, the snow, the cold weather. It feels so lovely, so special. For some reason I love december much more than january. It is like I want to hold on to the year that is about to pass...a new beginning is always scary, you never know if the year to come will be better or worse than the year before. According to the gemini horoscope for 2011 it seems it will be a great year for us on many levels, a remarkable year. Will I get pregnant and have my first son? That would be something remarkable! I truly cant wait to be a mom.
I love children so much!
Today we went to Åhlens, a shop that sells all kinds of things, from clothes, to make up, to books and things for the house...I saw so many beautiful things and I started to imagine what our future house would look like...all the things that I could buy and match...
I always wanted a charming and cozy home, some kind of romantic little villa or even country cottage, with lots of white, pink and black things...elegant but simple, with white vases with red roses and flowers and plants by the windows...silver candlelights, elegant engraved silverwear...old style knitted wool blankets, carpets and big mirrors with elegant carved wooden frames...a big comfortable bed with satin sheets ...and a garden of course
ahhh how far are we to reach this dream?
I just can't wait!
Anyway, while we were at Åhlens I totally fell in love with this snowglobe with an angel in it...oh it was so charming! I discovered it even was a carrillon, even expensive, I started to play it and hahahah we got shocked: the melodies were totally off key!
Let's say it was totally creepy to hear these x-mas songs distorted that way, we even thought we should buy it and use it in Dreamlike Horror!
But hey, I want a discount, because this carillon is not tuned right! :)
I want it I want I want is too charming!
Here is a video of it...

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