Saturday, March 1, 2014

Islamophobia Awards 2014

Yes, you read it right, I was not joking when I wrote ISLAMOPHOBIA AWARDS in the post title, for unbelievable as it may sound, they really exist!

Apparently they have been around since 2003! Khaleel was invited to perform (he performed for them at a previous edition), so he brought us along as usual, yay!
We had a lovely night and a great time! The hosts were fantastic, very professional and funny, food was good and so was the entertaintment of course.
But the Islamophobia Awards was more than fun and games, they had a mission and a very serious message which was to raise money to fight Islamophobia around the world and raise awareness by exposing the worst islamophobes in the world. Among the winners we had that horrible, hateful woman Pamela Geller and drumroll: General Al Sisi! Of course they didn't show up to get their awards! Ha ha ha!
Here are some photos of the event.

Khaleel before the soundcheck...looking smart as always

Khaleel and I

a photographer took this

Hakim and I filming Khaleel on stage

Khaleel singing with so much passion...he sang divinly!

A well deserved award to General Al Sisi for his outstanding Islamophobic work!

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