Friday, April 4, 2014

"You are not alone" Song4Syria is finally here!

Finally this amazing song has been released! It turned out really good. I am so happy to have witnessed the recording of the video together with all these amazing nasheed artists. I wish this project well because not only it is a beautiful and meaningful song, it is most of all a very good cause. Much respect to everyone involved and especially to Children Plus for the wonderful work they are doing.


The song "You're not alone" is available on Itunes for 79p. Download it if you can! If you dont have any money you can still help this wonderful cause by liking the CHILDREN PLUS facebook page as for every like their sponsors will give them 10p.

Please watch the video I made below to explain what SONG 4 SYRIA is about and how you can help in the comfort of your own home.

Here is some footage from the launch of the song on Islam Channel

We had an amazing time at Islam Channel! It was my very first time there...the studio was really nice and they even had wudu facilities in the bathroom! I loved it!

The artists in a happy group shot (although a few were not present as they couldn't make it that evening)

Khaleel and I at Islam Channel

Anyway, thanks everybody for the support! Please share this blog/cause with all your friends, it is a very good cause! Big Up Children Plus!!

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